Archive for October, 2019

Pediatrics: Transient Synovitis (Hip Pain)

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Pediatrics: Transient Synovitis (Hip Pain)

People of all ages can experience hip pain: athletes, people growing older, even small children. “Something that we see very commonly in kids that mimics the infection of the bone or the joint is called transient synovitis,” explains pediatric orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Matthew Wagner. Dr. Wagner is on the medical staff at The Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida.

This is a pain or swelling of the tissues around the hip joint. Pediatric orthopedic surgeons like Dr. Wagner don’t know the exact cause, but do have a few ideas. “It’s a self-limiting condition. It’s usually caused by a viral syndrome whether it’s upper respiratory or GI, and it causes a child to limp and have pain. It most commonly affects the knee and the hip and the age of the child is somewhere between 5 and 10.”

The main symptom is pain in the hip. Sometimes it comes on gradually, other times sudden. The child may have trouble standing or complain of pain in the inner thigh. “They can have a viral element and then it can spontaneously lead to the child having pain and we of course are more concerned for bacterial infection.”

In prescribing the best treatment, physicians may examine the hip, take x-rays; even have blood drawn. “Those can be differentiated based on laboratory work and imaging such as ultrasounds of the joints or MRI of the bones.”

Anti-inflammatory medication is often prescribed and so is rest. Parents are sometimes advised to take their child’s temperature at various times throughout the day. A high fever could signal something more serious.

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Lee Memorial Health System in Fort Myers, FL is the largest network of medical care facilities in Southwest Florida and is highly respected for its expertise, innovation and quality of care. For nearly a century, we’ve been providing our community with everything from primary care treatment to highly specialized care services and robotic assisted surgeries.

How do you know if you’ve injured your hip? How does running cause hip injuries? What can you do to treat it at home? When is treatment needed and what does it involve? Leading orthopaedic surgeon Mr Rishi Chana explains in this video.

Follow the link to book a consultation with Mr Chana:

What Causes Sore Muscles And Constant Muscle Pain?

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Additional Resources

The Permanent Pain Cure: The Breakthrough Way to Heal Your Muscle and Joint Pain for Good Click on

Muscle Pain Relief in 90 Seconds: The Fold and Hold Method Click on

This video on the causes of muscle pain and soreness was written and narrated by an experienced TV/radio health and wellness reporter, with information drawn from established and well-respected medical resources.

But you should always consult a qualified medical professional in matters related to constant muscle pain or any other health problem you may be experiencing.

To see a transcript of this video, or to view other videos about health and wellness topics, please click on
Video Rating: / 5

Relief from Hip Bursitis

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Relief from Hip Bursitis

It struck Nancy Casey without warning.

“I was like ‘oh wow my back hurts on the right side’ and the next morning when I got up I could hardly move,” says Nancy Casey, hip bursitis patient.

The crippling pain was actually hip bursitis. One of the most common forms of hip pain, it flares up when the lubricating sac in your hip joint becomes inflamed.

“I’ll ask them to point to where the pain is located and the patient will point with one finger to one side of the hip and they’ll be exquisitely tender over this area,” says Dr. Christopher Dawson, physical medicine and rehabilitation physician on Lee Memorial Health System’s medical staff.

So what’s behind hip bursitis? Several things put you at risk. Including overuse, an injury, prior surgery, bone spurs, spine disease and rheumatoid arthritis. In Casey’s case, it stemmed from her legs.

“Biomechanics play a huge role in pathology in the back and in the hips and that’s why I assess gate and the foot structure as well as leg length on physical exam,” says Dr. Dawson.

Casey didn’t know it, but one leg was longer than the other. And it threw her body mechanics off. After reviewing her options, she decided to give injection therapy a shot.

“The procedure involves a patient laying on their contralateral hip. We establish a sterile field; I then anesthetize the soft tissue and advance a spinal needle under ultrasound guidance or fluoroscopic guidance, and then go ahead and either inject dye if I’m using fluoroscopy or go ahead and inject if I’m utilizing ultrasound,” says Dr. Dawson.

As quickly as it appeared, the pain was gone.

“He did the injection and in no time at all I was able to lift my leg. I could get in the car and do everything I’m doing. I mean it’s like a miracle,” says Casey.

Casey is now moving full speed ahead, making time for exercise to increase strength and flexibility in her hips.

View More Health Matters video segments at

Lee Memorial Health System in Fort Myers, FL is the largest network of medical care facilities in Southwest Florida and is highly respected for its expertise, innovation and quality of care. For nearly a century, we’ve been providing our community with everything from primary care treatment to highly specialized care services and robotic assisted surgeries.

Video Rating: / 5

Holistic Aromatherapy : Cloves in Aromatherapy

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You can make massage oils made with cloves that will serve as an effective acne treatment, a relief for pain and stiffness, or even an aphrodisiac. Get the details in this free video on holistic aromatherapy.

Expert: Deserie Valloreo
Bio: Deserie Valloreo, a member of the American Herbalist Guild, teaches herbal natural living through her company, HerbalWise.
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

Series Description: A knowledge of holistic aromatherapy allows you to turn ordinary herbs, spices and oils into effective treatments for a wide range of physical, mental and emotional ailments. Learn the basics of holistic aromatherapy from a professional herbalist in this free video series.
Video Rating: / 5

Hepatitis B Quick Symptoms List

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Hepatitis B Quick Symptoms List


Signs And Symptoms Of Hepatitis A

Hepatitis C Symptoms – Quick Facts

What is Hep C And How Do You Get It?

How Does A Person Get Hepatitis C?

Coping With Hepatitis A

Hepatitis B Quick Symptoms List

Hepatitis B symptoms can begin to appear as early as 45 days, or as late as 160 days, after the hepatitis B virus has been transmitted from one person to another.

Symptoms could include

* Jaundice, or yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes

* Abdominal discomfort and tenderness,

* Frequent feeling of being tired and fatigued,

* Low energy and a sense of malaise

* Fever,

* Joint pains and soreness,

* Nausea and vomiting

* Unusual skin rashes,

If you begin to experience these symptoms of you should see a doctor about getting liver function tests.

Aromatherapy Recipes : How to Make Aromatherapy Blends

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Blending essential oils for aromatherapy means understanding the three part of an essential oil. Learn about essential oil compounding with the help of an herbalist and aromatherapy specialist in this free video.

Expert: Deserie Valloreo
Bio: Deserie Valloreo, a member of the American Herbalist Guild, teaches herbal natural living through her company, HerbalWise.
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

Series Description: Aromatherapy recipes that benefit the mind and body can be made at home. Discover the health benefits of aromatherapy in this free video series by an aromatherapy expert.

Yin Yoga for Low Back & Hip Pain | Twists, Internal Rotation, Gentle Yoga Stretches for Beginners

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Balance internal & external rotation of the hips to reduce pressure around the sacrum & lower back, with instructor Allison G.
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