Archive for November, 2021

Hip Pain in Kids is NO Joke

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Watch as Andrea explains what to look out for with regard to hip pain in children and what you should be doing to manage it if it is present

Painful hip and limp in children - Dr. Kishor Kumar M

Usually a parents brings a child complaints of pain and limp around the hip joint. This is very common. Sometimes without any reason the child starts with pain in the hip joint and limp. Such patients have to be investigated to avoid future complications and future disabilities to the hip joint. Common causes of the painful hip and limp in a child is transient synovitis that invariably occurs following post viral infections or a trivial trauma. Some of the other common causes of limp in a child is a Perthes disease is a lack of blood supply to the hip joint or the head of the femur. It invariably occurs in children and if left untreated, will lead to disastrous problems and disabilities to patients. Other causes are in obese child a slipped capital femoral epiphysis can be treated if diagnosed early and intervened surgically at the earliest. Otherwise a child will have a permanent limp and will carry it into his adulthood and it renders the child disabled. There are other conditions like inflammatory conditions for painful hip in children. It can be a painful juvenile arthritis. Sometimes some infections around the hip joint can also cause a painful hip syndrome. In Indians scenario it is tuberculosis that affects the hip joint. So considering all these factors there are such children with painful hip that has to be evaluated and it has to be treated adequately.

Dr. Kishor Kumar M,
Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon
Mathru Orthopedic Hospital, Kengeri, Bangalore
Appointment booking number: 08028484238, 08026919662
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Hip pain after sitting? Try these three essential tips

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Are you suffering with hip pain after sitting for any length of time? Try these 3 essential tips to help relieve your hip pain!

Have you been diagnosed with hip bursitis? Like to know more about what you can do to help yourself? Download our FREE ebook – Five Ways to Relieve Your Hip Pain at No Cost Starting Today.

Simply click here to access your free ebook!:
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