Archive for May, 2024

Episode 4 – Lateral Hip Pain: Sleeping Tips

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If you’re experiencing pain over the outside of your hip, commonly caused by trochanteric bursitis or gluteal tendinopathy, finding a pain free sleeping position can be hard. In this video, Alison explains why sleeping on either side can be painful and also shares some tips about what her patients have found useful.

πŸ’€ Try out this ergonomic side sleeping knee pillow, available on Amazon:

🌟Need more help with your injury? You’re welcome to consult one of the team at SIP online via video call for an assessment of your injury and a tailored treatment plan:

Lateral Hip Pain Series:
πŸ‘‰Episode 1: Anatomy:
πŸ‘‰Episode 2: Symptoms:
πŸ‘‰Episode 3: Tips For Sitting:
πŸ‘‰Episode 4: Tips for Sleeping: This video
πŸ‘‰Episode 5: Stretches:
πŸ‘‰Episode 6: The Menopause effect –
πŸ‘‰Episode 7: Exercises That Can Help –

πŸ–₯️Some of the software we use to run our online physiotherapy practice:
➑️ Website hosting and management – Wix:
➑️ Taking online payments – Square:
➑️ Appointment scheduling – Acuity:
➑️ Consultations – Zoom One (Pro):
➑️ Patient notes – Cliniko:
➑️ Rehab exercise library – Physiotec:
➑️ Patient satisfaction survey – Typeform:
➑️ Bookkeeping – FreeAgent:
➑️ In-house task planner – Notion:

πŸ‘‰Some links here are to places where you can buy something relevant to this video. If you do, we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you.
Video Rating: / 5

Aromatherapy Massage Treatment

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Aromatherapy Massage Treatment. Part of the series: Aromatherapy Basics. Using aromatherapy in a massage can increase the power of the massage. Apply aromatherapy oils to maximum benefit with help from an experienced herbalist in this free video. Read more:
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There are a handful of differences between a Swedish massage and a deep tissue massage. Understand what they are with tips from a professional massage therapist in this free video on Swedish and deep tissue massages.

Expert: Gretchen Rivas
Bio: Gretchen Rivas has been a massage therapist for seven years in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Filmmaker: Reel Media LLC

Series Description: Giving or receiving a Swedish massage is a unique experience that differs from other massage techniques. Learn more about this style with tips from a professional massage therapist in this free video series on Swedish massages.
Video Rating: / 5

A Guide For C Section Pain And Recovery

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0:00 Introduction
0:47 Pain severity during a C-Section delivery
1:30 Pain severity during recovery
2:23 Can a C-section delivery hurt a baby?
2:47 Risks of a C section delivery
3:37 How to recover better

Caesarean section, also known as C-section or caesarean delivery, is the surgical procedure by which one or more babies are delivered through an incision in the mother’s abdomen, often performed because vaginal delivery would put the baby or mother at risk.[2] Reasons for the operation include obstructed labor, twin pregnancy, high blood pressure in the mother, breech birth, and problems with the placenta or umbilical cord.[2][3] A caesarean delivery may be performed based upon the shape of the mother’s pelvis or history of a previous C-section.[2][3] A trial of vaginal birth after C-section may be possible.[2] The World Health Organization recommends that caesarean section be performed only when medically necessary.[3][4] Most C-sections are performed without a medical reason, upon request by someone, usually the mother.[2]

A C-section typically takes 45 minutes to an hour.[2] It may be done with a spinal block, where the woman is awake, or under general anesthesia.[2] A urinary catheter is used to drain the bladder, and the skin of the abdomen is then cleaned with an antiseptic.[2] An incision of about 15Β cm (6 inches) is then typically made through the mother’s lower abdomen.[2] The uterus is then opened with a second incision and the baby delivered.[2] The incisions are then stitched closed.[2] A woman can typically begin breastfeeding as soon as she is out of the operating room and awake.[5] Often, several days are required in the hospital to recover sufficiently to return home.[2]

C-sections result in a small overall increase in poor outcomes in low-risk pregnancies.[3] They also typically take longer to heal from, about six weeks, than vaginal birth.[2] The increased risks include breathing problems in the baby and amniotic fluid embolism and postpartum bleeding in the mother.[3] Established guidelines recommend that caesarean sections not be used before 39 weeks of pregnancy without a medical reason.[6] The method of delivery does not appear to have an effect on subsequent sexual function.[7]

In 2012, about 23 million C-sections were done globally.[8] The international healthcare community has previously considered the rate of 10% and 15% to be ideal for caesarean sections.[4] Some evidence finds a higher rate of 19% may result in better outcomes.[8] More than 45 countries globally have C-section rates less than 7.5%, while more than 50 have rates greater than 27%.[8] Efforts are being made to both improve access to and reduce the use of C-section.[8] In the United States as of 2017, about 32% of deliveries are by C-section.[9] The surgery has been performed at least as far back as 715 BC following the death of the mother, with the baby occasionally surviving.[10] Descriptions of mothers surviving date back to 1500 AD, with earlier attests to ancient times (including the apocryphal account of Julius Caesar being born by caesarean section, a commonly stated origin of the term).[10] With the introduction of antiseptics and anesthetics in the 19th century, survival of both the mother and baby, and thus the procedure, became significantly more common.

Pain After Waking Up? Here's the Real Reason to Your Sleep Pain 😴

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Do you have pain after waking up? You’re not alone, but don’t blame the mattress! Today we’re talking about the real reason to your sleep pain and how you can start to sleep without back pain.
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Not feeling rested after a full night’s sleep? If you’re wondering how to tell if your bed is causing back pain, it’s simple, the age of the mattress. But when patients come in looking for how to sleep better, we always hear the blame being put on the bed or mattress. Back pain when getting in and out of bed can have many root causes; some include a shift in how energy gets to your nerves from your brain. This can come from past life experiences, such as falling when you were young, or recent experiences that you’ve just shrugged off.

The best advice we give to patients to sleep better is to come in for a #chiropractic evaluation. We’re able to take a deeper look into the possible causes for your #SleepProblems or hard time sleeping. A corrective chiropractor will know whether your bed is the true cause or not.

Ready to schedule your appointment? Click the link below:

Many people wonder whether chiropractic therapy is right for them. But if you’re suffering from poor posture, #BackPain, neck pain, shoulder pain, or even things you may not realize may be related to chiropractic like headaches or allergies we encourage you to contact us today! We can help you find the best chiropractor for you. Any pain you might be experiencing can stem from poor posture or alignment. Start learning all about living a healthy lifestyle, maintaining good spinal health, and living a life of optimal health and wellbeing.

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Align Wellness Center is a chiropractic care center and a premier provider of wellness care and holistic healing. In an inter-disciplinary approach that includes chiropractic care, massage therapy, functional fitness training, and high-quality nutritional supplements, Align Wellness Center has achieved unparalleled success in reducing stress, alleviating pain, and preventing sickness. The center blends high-tech with high-touch to deliver naturally painless remedies to many health problems.

Dr. Gregg Gerstin is a professional chiropractor in Northbrook, Illinois. This health advice channel provides you a wide range of wellness tips from a chiropractor. We upload weekly chiropractor videos related to living healthy, full body alignment examples, patient testimonials, and what benefits chiropractic offers. This is the chiropractic channel for you, so subscribe today!
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