Archive for the 'health' Category

Benzodiazepine Effects on Your Brain and Body | Dr. B

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Today I’m sharing with you how Benzodiazepine(Benzos) effects your brain and your body. How long the effects of Benzos last, the long-term effects of them.

Subscribe to change the perception of drug and alcohol addiction, together.
0:30 The effects of Benzodiazepines on the brain and body
5:54 How long the effects of Benzodiazepines last
8:15 How Benzodiazepines make you feel when abused
10:00 The long-term effects of using Benzodiazepines

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#Benzodiazepineeffects #benzodiazepines #benzos
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Britney Spears – Body Ache

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Britney Spears – Body Ache
from Britney Jean (Deluxe Version)
Price: USD 1.29
View Details about Britney Spears

Teenagers and Plan B–Teenology 101

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Teenagers and Plan B--Teenology 101

The emergency contraceptive Plan B has gotten a lot of press due to concerns about safety and use in adolescents. Dr. Anne-Marie Aimes Oelschlager explains exactly how it works, when to take it, and how to get it.

Why The Flu Causes Aches & Pains

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Why do we get aches and pains when we’re sick? Is it the flu or is it our body’s response to the flu?

How The Flu Shot Works (And Why You Should Get It) –
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Read More:
What Does The Flu Feel Like?
“You’re sneezy, stuffed up, and feel bad all over. Is it a cold, or do you have the flu? The symptoms can be a lot alike. But if you know the warning signs of the flu, you can get treatment quickly and work on feeling better, sooner.”

Uncomplicated Human Influenza
“After a short incubation period of 1-2(-4) days, onset of the disease is usually abrupt with typical systemic symptoms: high fever and chills, severe malaise, extreme fatigue and weakness, headache or myalgia, as well as respiratory tract signs such as non-productive cough, sore throat, and rhinitis (CDC 2005) (Tables 1 and 2).”

Why your body aches when it’s sick
“One of the main reasons that your body aches when you are sick, like with a cold, is that your body’s immune system is producing plenty of antibodies in addition to the effects of all those viruses replicating in your cells killing them and leaving the area ‘raw’ and exposed.”

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Written By: Trace Dominguez
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Chills and shivering are natural reactions as your body tries to fight illness, Dr. Ian Smith explains. Here’s why it happens and when to see your doctor.
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Holdan – Foggy Lake

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Holdan – Foggy Lake
from Foggy Lake – Single
Price: USD 1.29
View Details about Holdan

Cardi B on Body Image Issues, Self-Esteem, and Cosmetic Surgery

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In the above clip, reality star Cardi B talks to VladTV about the body image issues and insecurities she experienced when she was younger. “It puts your self-esteem down and made me feel like I was never good enough,” Cardi says. She continues to talk about the necessity of certain types of cosmetic surgery and the dangers therein. Watch above.

In this video I take a trip to J & B Body Works the finest in collision and repair to see my guys for another boo boo my car acquired!

J & B Body Works
38 Beach Street
Mt Vernon NY 10550
914 664 8080

Ask for Joe the owner! Tell him I sent you!

My Instagram mdg_collections

Shocka252 on the beats

SDSU considers mandatory Meningitis-B vaccination

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After an outbreak made 3 students sick this past fall, San Diego State University officials say they’re having preliminary dicussions about making the Meningitis-B Vaccine mandatory for all students.
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Meningococcus can cause meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain) or sepsis (an infection of the bloodstream). The consequences of infection are often immediate and devastating. About 15 of every 100 people infected with meningococcus die within hours of becoming ill.

Watch this video to learn about meningococcus and why college students should get the meningococcal vaccine.

Learn more about meningococcus and the vaccine at
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Hi. If you have cough or fever (either low grade or a high grade), with breathing discomfort or any other symptoms, then the only way to find out whether you have COVID-19 or not is to get tested.
In response to the growing COVID-19 pandemic, multiple diagnostic test manufacturers have developed and begun selling rapid and easy-to-use devices.
However, before these tests can be recommended, they must be validated in the appropriate populations and settings. Inadequate tests may miss patients with active infection or falsely categorize patients as having the disease when they do not, further hampering disease control efforts.

Now the question arises, which test to get it done??
Listen to this video till the end to find out about the different kinds of tests available, which diagnostic test is best and how each kind of diagnostic plays a role in the fight against COVID-19.

Disclaimer: Information provided by INTELLECT MEDICOS is not meant to substitute for medical advise by any physician, or experienced health care professional. Always seek advise from your physician about the clinical condition and usage of particular treatment or therapy.


1. Liu Y, Liu Y, Diao B, Ren Feifei, et al. Diagnostic indexes of a rapid IgG/IgM combined antibody test for SARS-CoV-2. medxriv [Internet]. 2020;

2. Zhang P, Gao Q, Wang T, Ke Y, et al. Evaluation of recombinant nucleocapsid and spice protein serological diagnosis of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). medxriv [Internet]. 2020;

3. Pan Y, Li X, Yang G, Fan J, et al. Serological immunochromatographic approach in diagnosis with SARS-CoV-2 infected COVID-19 patients. medxriv [Internet]. 2020;

5. Li Z, Yi Y, Luo X, Xion N, et al. Development and clinical application of a rapid IgM-IgG combined antibody test for SARS-CoV-2 infection diagnosis. Journal of medical virology.

6. Zhao J, Yuan Q, Wang H, Liu W, Liao X, Su Y, et al. Antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 in patients of novel coronavirus disease 2019. medxriv [Internet]. 2020;

7. Okba N.M.A, Muller M.A., Li W, Wang C, et al. SARS-COV-2 specific antibody responses in COVID-19 patients. medxriv [Internet]. 2020

8. Gorse GJ, Donovan MM, Patel GB. Antibodies to coronaviruses are higher in older compared with younger adults and binding antibodies are more sensitive than neutralizing antibodies identifying coronavirus-associated illnesses. Journal of medical virology.

9. Lin D, Liu L, Zhang M, Hu Y, et al. Evaluation of serological tests in the diagnosis of 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infections during the COVID-19 outbreak. medxriv [Internet]. 2020;

10. Wölfel R, Corman V, Guggemos W, Seilmaier M, Mueller M, Niemeyer D, et al. Virological assessment of hospitalized patients with COVID-2019. Nature [Internet]. 2020;

11. Lou B, Li T, Zheng S, Su Y, Li Z, Liu W, et al. Serology characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 infection since the exposure and post symptoms onset. medxriv [Internet]. 2020;

12. Liu W, Liu L, Kou G, Zheng Y, et al. Evaluation of nucleocapsid and spike protein-based ELISAs for detecting antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. medxriv [Internet]. 2020;

13. Zhang W, Du R, Li B, Zheng X, et al. Molecular and serological investigation of 2019-nCoV infected patients: implication of multiple shedding routes. Emerging microbes and infections. 2020; 9(1):386-389.

14. Zhou P, Yang XL, Wang X, Hu B, et al. A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin. Nature. 2020 Mar;579(7798):270-273. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2012-7. Epub 2020 Feb 3.
15. Wang N, Li SY, Yang XL, et al. Serological Evidence of Bat SARS-Related Coronavirus Infection in Humans, China. Virol Sin. 2018;33(1):104–107. doi:10.1007/s12250-018-0012-7

16. Che X, Qiu L, Liao Z, Wang Y, et al. Antigenic cross-reactivity between severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus and human coronaviruses 229E and OC43. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 191, Issue 12, 15 June 2005, Pages 2033–2037,

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How To Treat A Fever In Adults | How To Get Rid Of A Fever In Children | Bring Down A Fever In Baby

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How To Bring Down A Fever In Children | How To Get Rid Of A High Fever In Adults | How To Treat A High Fever In Babies

Hey guys! This weeks video is all about how to treat a fever in adults, children and babies.

The average body temperature, taken with a thermometer in the mouth, is 37ºC (98.6ºF), but anywhere between 36.5ºC and 37.2ºC (97.7ºF and 99ºF) can be considered normal.

A fever helps the body fight infections by stimulating the immune system. By increasing the body’s temperature, a fever makes it more difficult for the bacteria and viruses that cause infections to survive.

A fever is a high temperature of 38C or more.

Any of the following symptoms suggest that you or your child need urgent medical advice/help. They suggest that the symptoms could indicate a serious illness, and need emergency help.

I have tried my best to add as many red flag symptoms but incase I have missed anything please make sure to visit the following pages as well,


• A high temperature in a baby less than 8 weeks old
• The child is under 3 months old with a temperature of 38°C (101°F) or above
• The child is between 3 and 6 months with a temperature of 39°C (102°F) or above
• The child’s fever lasts for more than 5 days
• Your child’s health is getting worse
• Your child is under 8 weeks old and doesn’t want to feed
• Cold feet and hands
• A high-pitched, weak or continuous cry in young children
• A lack of responsiveness, slower in activity or floppy, quiet or listless despite taking paracetamol or ibuprofen
• A bulging fontanelle (the soft spot on a baby’s head)
• A stiff neck
• Bothered by light
• Not drinking for more than 8 hours or showing signs of dehydration -
• Fits, convulsions or seizures
• Blue, very pale, mottled, blotchy or ashen/grey skin
• Difficulty breathing, fast breathing, grunting while breathing, or if your child seems to be struggling to breathe – for example, sucking their stomach in under their ribs
• Unusually drowsy, hard to wake up, unable to stay awake, doesn’t seem to recognise you or seem aware of what’s going on around them
• Severe abdominal pain
• A spotty purple-red rash anywhere on the body that doesn’t fade when a glass is rolled over it
• Repeated vomiting or green (bile-stained) sick
• You have any concerns about looking after your child at home

• Drink or encourage to drink plenty of fluids – offer regular breastfeeds if you’re breastfeeding.
• Try to eat nutritious foods if you can.
• Check on your child from time to time during the night
• Tepid sponging is not recommended for treatment of fever
• Avoid bundling up in too many clothes or bedclothes
• Keep the room at a comfortable temperature, but make sure fresh air is circulating
• Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration

If your child seems distressed, consider giving them children’s paracetamol or ibuprofen. These shouldn’t be given together unless advised by a healthcare professional.

Adults can take paracetamol and/or ibuprofen to help reduce a fever.

Always check any medication with your healthcare professional, read the instructions on the bottle or packet carefully, and never exceed the recommended dose.

Do not use ibuprofen if you have a known allergy or asthma attacks have been triggered by it or medicines in the same family.

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Prescribing Media Pharmacist | Bringing Science Through New Film Every Monday | Extreme Optimist

I’m a British – Persian – Iranian prescribing media pharmacist who loves science, making videos and helping people. I work in both GP surgeries and community pharmacy.

This video is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. Abraham The Pharmacist has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

IBS | diarrhea | Abdominal Pain | constipation | Gastrointestinal infection | Manipal Hospitals

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The video describes a condition known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome which affects the large intestine (diarrhea). It begins with the structure of the large intestine and the various parts of it along with their functions. The functioning of the large intestine in terms of muscular contractions is shown and the cause for IBS is then explained. Abnormal contractions can lead to poor water absorption from the food that passes through it causing diarrhea or to excess water absorption that leads to constipation. The causes of IBS, though unclear, are stated to be due to emotional distress and its symptoms are then discussed such as abdominal pain/discomfort, bloating, gas and cramping. The modes of management of the condition are then discussed with dietary changes where one eats food rich in fiber, stress management using yoga and medications such as anti-depressants, laxatives and antispasmodics being the preferred solutions.

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