Archive for the 'health' Category

24 ANTI INFLAMMATORY FOODS with CRAZY Powerful Healings Benefits

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The above video shows how anti inflammatory foods can improve your health. This strategy can be useful to minimize potential ignition due to stress, training, genetics and various lifestyle factors that could impact on your health and your performance.

Increase fiber intake that is found in fresh fruits and vegetables, especially berries and whole grains, is also a good way to increase the amount of anti-inflammatory foods in your diet. Try to eat colorful fruits, berries, fruits and orange and yellow vegetables, and dark green leafy vegetables.

Another tip: Add anti-inflammatory spices like ginger and turmeric in your diet. Green tea and dark chocolate are also great options.

10 Warning Signs Your Heart Isn't Working Properly

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10 Warning Signs Your Heart Isn't Working Properly

How to Prevent Heart Disease. About 610,000 people die from heart disease each year in the U.S. alone. There are tons of factors that can cause a person to develop heart problems, but most of them come down to poor lifestyle choices. Your body gives you warning signs early on so that you can catch an illness in its early stages or even prevent it altogether and save your life. Here are 10 of the most common red flags that indicate bad heart health.

#heartproblems #healthyheart #bodysigns

A cough that won’t quit 1:38
A persistent cough can be a symptom of all kinds of health issues, and cardiovascular disease is one of them. For instance, a chronic cough that produces a pinkish bloody liquid is very common in people with heart failure. Despite what it sounds like, heart failure doesn’t mean that the heart completely stops beating. It just means that a person’s heart isn’t pumping blood as well as it should be. As a result, the body doesn’t get enough oxygen since it’s carried to all the tissues by the blood.

Nausea and loss of appetite 3:07
A lot of heart disease patients show a lack of appetite, nausea, or both, even if they’ve had just a couple bites of food. The reason for that is built-up fluid around the liver and intestines that interferes with proper digestion. These symptoms are usually accompanied by abdominal pain, upset stomach, or feeling bloated. In fact, abdominal cramps that come and go in short spurts are extremely common right before a heart attack.

Your skin becomes paler or takes on a bluish tint 5:28
Being naturally pale doesn’t necessarily mean you have a heart condition. But sudden paleness can be a result of reduced blood flow due to a heart that’s not pumping blood as effectively as it should be. Shock, which can be caused by any condition that prevents the blood in your body from circulating properly, is the main reason why people who are suffering from a heart attack or heart failure turn pale all of a sudden.

Chronic or sudden fatigue 7:02
Fatigue can be one of the main symptoms indicating an impending heart attack. Women are more likely to experience heart-related fatigue than men, with 70% of female heart attack patients reporting that they’d felt extremely tired before their episode. Physical or mental activity isn’t the reason for such exhaustion, and it increases by the end of the day if it’s due to a failing heart. It’s really hard for this symptom to go unnoticed. Sometimes it’s exhausting just to perform even the simplest tasks, like making the bed or taking a shower.

The 126ers – Darkness of My Sun
Density & Time – City of Jewels

10. Pain that spreads to the arm 1:01
9. A cough that won’t quit 1:38
8. Swollen legs, ankles, and feet 2:25
7. Nausea and loss of appetite 3:07
6. Extreme levels of anxiety 3:47
5. Lightheadedness or fainting 4:26
4. Your skin becomes paler or takes on a bluish tint 5:28
3. Skin rashes or unusual spots 6:20
2. Chronic or sudden fatigue 7:02
1. Increased perspiration 7:45

-If their heart isn’t working properly, a lot of men feel pain in their left arm, while women experience the same pain in either or both arms.
-A persistent cough can be a symptom of all kinds of health issues, and cardiovascular disease is one of them.
-When your heart isn’t pumping enough blood through the body, fluid from your blood vessels leaks into surrounding tissues. Your lower extremities are the most affected simply due to gravity.
-A lot of heart disease patients show a lack of appetite, nausea, or both, even if they’ve had just a couple bites of food.
-People who suffer from extreme anxiety from a very early age or most of their life are more prone to developing coronary heart disease.
-Feeling lightheaded and experiencing temporary loss of consciousness, also known in the scientific community as “syncope”, is super common among heart patients.
-Sudden paleness can be a result of reduced blood flow due to a heart that’s not pumping blood as effectively as it should be.
-People with eczema were found to have a 48% chance of suffering from high blood pressure and a 29% possibility of having high cholesterol.
-Sometimes it’s exhausting just to perform even the simplest tasks, like making the bed or taking a shower before a heart attack.
-People experience flu-like symptoms, have clammy skin, and sweat regardless of the air temperature or physical exertion.

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Low back pain is by far the most common source of discomfort we deal with. The irony is, a lot of times what we feel is rooted in the lower back is actually caused by muscles not in the back at all. In this video, I’m going to show you how the glute medius could be the real cause of your back pain and a quick exercise you can do to relieve your discomfort instantly. Once gone, I’m also going to show you a few additional exercises you can do to make sure your low back pain never returns.

The gluteus medius is sandwiched between the glute maximus and minimus and lies in and around the hip area. The role of the muscle is to abduct your hip or lift your leg out to the side in either standing or side lying and to keep your pelvis level whenever you take a step. Prolonged sitting during the day as well as an unequal weight distribution when standing are two of the most common reasons for this muscle to get weak and imbalanced.

You can quickly test to see if you have the makings of a weak glute medius by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and lifting one foot off the ground. First take note whether or not your opposite hip drops significantly. If it does, this would indicate a glute weakness on that side. You would repeat with the opposite foot as well. When you do this you would also want to see if you had to dramatically shift your weight to one side just to lift that foot off the ground. If you do, this would indicate that you have an unequal weight distribution when standing and it would be especially troublesome when squatting.

To fix this quickly, you will want to lay down on the ground with your affected side on top. If your right lower back was bothering you then you would want to lie on your left hip. From here, take your thumb and place it on the area most sore. You should feel that this is going to happen just to the outside of the bony prominence of your pelvis. From here, push to hold back the trigger point and start flossing your leg down and in front of you and then back and up. Your hip should be extended and then lifted into abduction towards the ceiling (being sure to point the toes down to keep the glute medius in focus). Do this about 10 times until you feel the tension in the muscle release.

Now, you can burn out the spasm in the trigger point by getting into the fully contracted position of the glute medius muscle and holding as long as you can. Generally, because this muscle is often very weak, this may not be any longer than 30 seconds to a minute. Once you cannot hold it any more you will stand up and you should notice an immediate relief of the pain on that side.

This is the quick but not permanent fix for this problem. Since the underlying cause is weakness in the gluteus medius muscle you will want to back this up with some exercises for your low back that you can do a few times a week. I show you three options for this. The first is the hip bump against the wall. The second is called the sack swinger, and can be done with a dog leash if you don’t have a formal dip belt. The last is actually doing the same movement that you did for the treatment, but this time as a strengthening exercise for your low back.

Whatever you do, just be sure you are consistent. You will also see that as you relieve the tension in this muscle that your squat performance improves as well. Your depth should be increased and any low back pain that you felt by doing the exercise should be gone since you will now be able to do them with equal force through each leg.

If you are looking for a program that puts the science back in strength in every workout, head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. Start not only looking like an athlete but feeling like one as you take your training serious and take your results to the next level.

If you are looking for more exercises and stretches for low back pain as well as workouts you can do with lower back pain, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

*EXTREME* Neck PAIN fixed by Chiropractic Adjustment

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Extreme Neck PAIN fixed by Chiropractic Adjustment from Dr Joseph Cipriano DC. First time Y strap chiropractic adjustment. Patient has extreme stiffness and pain in her neck and between her shoulder blades. Full body Chiropractic technique is used to restore function. Soft tissue technique of Trigger Point Therapy is between shoulder blades to relieve muscle adhesions from a poor nights sleep. In the end you see how much range of motion the patient received after her Chiro adjustment.

Patient instantly feels relief after Dr Cipriano’s Y-strap full spine (Full Body) whole body Chiropractic adjustment. Dr Cipriano’s neck strap adjustment (neck pull adjustment) is very powerful that decompresses the entire spine removing pressure off the nerves to allow the body to heal and function. Dr Cipriano is a full body (whole body) chiropractor that uses a neck strap adjustment device to manually decompress the spine. Instant relief after y strap. Loud chiropractic cracks in neck, loud chiropractic cracks in mid back and loud chiropractic cracks in low back. Any crack addict will enjoy. Bearded Doc wears yeezys!


Facebook: DrJoseph Cipriano
Instagram: Dr Joseph Cipriano DC

104 N Daniel Morgan Avenue
Spartanburg, South Carolina

Suite 103

Business Cell# 864-376-3143
Video Rating: / 5

Why Joint Pain Increase In WINTER (Cold Weather)- TIPS to Prevent Body Pain and Stiffness in Winters

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In This video Dr. Varun Wasil-MPT(Orthopaedics) explained Why Joint Pain Increases In Winters or Cold Weather.
1. Due to Decrease in Barometric/atmospheric/air pressure, joints and tissue swelling occurs.
2. Due to lack of mobility and exercises in winters.

He also explained why hands and feet are cold in winters. Tips to decrease joint pain in winters are explained in this video.
1. Keep your body warm with loose layers of clothing. layers should be more in number.
2. Take vitamin-D from sunlight in winters.
3. Take food rich in vitaminC
4. Increase movement and regular exercises. Weight bearing exercises to protect joints.

Joint pain in hindi
How to prevent joint pain
Why joint pain in winter
Stiffness in cold weather
Tips for cold weather
knee pain in winters

#jointpain #winter #arthritis #sukoonphysicaltherapy #drvarunwasil

5 Ways To Reduce Muscle Soreness (INSTANTLY)

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These are the top 5 muscle soreness recovery tips & remedies to fix sore muscles after a workout. If you’re used to feeling sore legs after doing squats or no matter how much you stretch you always feel pain after weight lifting watch this video. It’ll explain how to finally reduce that soreness and get some relief.

🔥 FREE 6 Week Body Transformation Challenge:

Fat Loss Calculator:

#1 Foam Rolling 1:25
#2 Ice Bath & Cold Showers 3:51
#3 Eating Enough Right Macro & Micro Nutrients 5:33
#4 Staying Active 7:11
#5 Heat Therapy 8:09

Foam roller:

Muscle Roller Stick For Massage:

Whether you find yourself holding on to both railings as you drag yourself up a flight of stairs, or you’re barely able to raise your arms up over your head to brush your hair, or even worse you find yourself trying to hold on to anything as you lower yourself down to a toilet seat, the cause is always the same…muscle soreness. And even though we can try to tough it out and ignore the pain we feel while recovering from a difficult workout muscle soreness can really get in the way of our lives. When you’re really sore not only do you become less functional with simple day-to-day tasks like sitting down and standing up but you also wind-up delaying you’re next intense workout session because you need to take extra days off to fully recover. And this can definitely slow down your progress because training frequency or the amount of days per week that you can once again break down an already repaired muscle is a very important factor that contributes to your overall results. And Even if you do force yourself to exercise while your muscles are sore chances are very high that you won’t be able to perform at a high intensity making it more difficult for you to progressively overload your workouts, once again slowing down your progress. So in today’s video I want to go over the five best ways to relieve muscle soreness as fast as possible so you can get back to living your life without feeling like you’re handicapped and so you can perform at your best during all your workouts. The first thing that most trainers and experts will tell you to do is to stretch the muscles you’ve worked immediately after your workout. This has been considered by many to be your first line of defense against soreness. And even though you definitely should stretch after every workout to keep your muscles from getting tighter over time and to prevent the risk of injury in the future, it turns out that stretching doesn’t really help with soreness. A series of randomized studies suggest that whether you stretch your muscles before, after, or both before and after exercise, it doesn’t produce clinically significant reductions in doms which stands for delayed-onset muscle soreness. Foam rolling on the other hand has been shown in studies to be a lot more beneficial so this is the first thing you’ll want to do. Foam rolling is also know a self myofacial release and it essentially allows you to give yourself a massage. Most gyms have foam rollers and if your gym doesn’t have one you can get one for very cheap off of amazon. But the 2 main goals of foam rolling is to stretch and loosen the fascia around your muscles, and to decrease the intensity of sore spots found around the muscles in order to move more freely. It’ll result in decreased muscle and joint pain, increased circulation and improved mobility. But its important that you’re doing it correctly for it to be effective. You’ll want to start by rolling up and down the muscles that you just worked. Make sure you do this slowly. When you find sore spots, stop and just sit on those sore spots for 20 to 30 seconds before continuing. You want to do this gently using your hands to support your body weight to not put too much pressure on those spots. Some people make the mistake of finding the painful spots and sitting on them for 5 to 10 minutes at a time thinking that more is more. This is totally wrong as it can create further inflammation, 30 seconds at a time is really the most you want to do before leaving that sore spot and possibly coming back to it later.

🔥 FREE 6 Week Body Transformation Challenge:

Stretching Does Not Reduce Muscle Soreness After A Workout

Foam Rolling Beneficial For Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness:

Meta Analysis of Ice Baths and Cold Water’s Effect on Doms:

Inflammation and Fatty Acids:

Diet’s Without Fruit and Veggies Cause Slower Muscle Recovery
Video Rating: / 5

Yoga Stretches for Back Pain Relief, Sciatica, Neck Pain & Flexibility, Beginners Level Workout

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In this beginners at home yoga class, Jen Hilman shares yoga stretches designed to alleviate back pain, neck pain and sciatica.
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#Yoga #Stretches for Back #PainRelief, Sciatica, Neck Pain & Flexibility, Beginners Level #Workout

In this beginners at home yoga class, Jen Hilman shares yoga stretches designed to alleviate back pain, neck pain and sciatica. These yoga poses will also help increase flexibility and strengthen the back. This is an at home yoga workout for both men and women and is yoga for beginners level.

Jen Hilman teach Yoga classes in Austin, Texas.

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Music by iChill Music Factory
Songs: Colored Air & Dancing Elfs
Album: Spa Dreams

© Copyright 2015 Target Public Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Fibromyalgia Syndrome Pain Relief Frequency : Whole Body Pain Remover – Binaural Beats Sound Therapy

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Fibromyalgia Syndrome Pain Relief Frequency : Whole Body Pain Remover – Binaural Beats Sound Therapy – Sleep Hypnosis by Binaural Beats Meditation (Good Vibes)

This session is to ease you from health condition called Fibromyalgia Syndrome and give you a good night sleep.

The binaural beats provided is not meant to replace or substitute the recommendations or advice of your physician or health care provider.

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Quell is a drug-free treatment that is FDA-cleared to help ease chronic pain 24/7—even during sleep. For the millions of chronic pain sufferers out there, it’s an option that could finally mean some relief.

This is the first wearable device that can deliver a decades-old therapy, called Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, or “TENS”. It is approved for nighttime use, which is important because chronic pain often worsens at night and interferes with sleep.

Attach Quell to your upper calf, which is an area with a lot of sensory nerves. The device sends an electric pulse through an electrode that stimulates those nerves to carry neural pulses to your brain. That in turn triggers a natural reaction to block pain throughout your body.

The sensation is a little like a warm, mild vibration. Each treatment lasts for an hour, running every other hour, and you can adjust the strength or opt to skip a session. Use the companion app to time treatments, check battery life, or track sleep patterns (but you don’t need the app to use the device).

As with most treatments, this may or may not be effective for everyone, but the results are encouraging. Studies by Quell show about 80% of people get some pain relief. Of course you should always run something like this by your doctor. But if you’re caught in a cycle of chronic pain and sleep loss, it’s probably worth looking into this pain relief wearable.
Video Rating: / 5

Best Exercises For Neck Pain Relief, Cervical- HANKY EXERCISE for Instant Relief from NECK STIFFNESS

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2 Best Exercises for Neck Pain Relief And Stiff Neck With HANKY. Instant Relief from neck stiffness in cervical spondylosis.
Dr. Varun Wasil-MPT(Orthopaedics) from Sukoon Physical Therapy, Jalandhar explained about Hanky Exercises to relieve neck pain and stiffness.
This exercise is helpful to increase range of motion of cervical spine in extension and neck rotation.
He also explained following points in this video:
Cervical pain
Cervical exercises
Neck pain exercises
Exercises for neck pain relief
Neck pain Physiotherapy
Cervical pain exercises
Physiotherapy for neck pain and neck stiffness
Treatment for cervical pain
Treatment for neck pain
Neck pain treatment

For consultation email us at:

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#cervical #neckpain #neckstiffness #neckexercises #drvarunwasil #sukoonphysicaltherapy
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HERNIATED DISK, Low Back PAIN, SCIATICA *RELIEF* with Y-Strap Adjustment

HERNIATED DISK, Low Back PAIN, SCIATICA *RELIEF* with Y-Strap Adjustment by Dr Joseph Cipriano.

Patient instantly feels relief after Dr Cipriano’s Y-strap full spine (Full Body) whole body Chiropractic adjustment. Dr Cipriano’s neck strap adjustment (neck pull adjustment) is very powerful that decompresses the entire spine removing pressure off the nerves to allow the body to heal and function. Dr Cipriano is a full body (whole body) chiropractor that uses a neck strap adjustment device to manually decompress the spine. Instant relief after y strap. Loud chiropractic cracks in neck, loud chiropractic cracks in mid back and loud chiropractic cracks in low back. Any crack addict will enjoy. Bearded Doc wears yeezys!


Facebook: DrJoseph Cipriano
Instagram: Dr Joseph Cipriano DC

104 N Daniel Morgan Avenue
Spartanburg, South Carolina

Suite 103

Business Cell# 864-376-3143
Video Rating: / 5

Sciatica Pain Relief and Healing Binaural Beats | Healing Rife Frequency | Cure Sciatica

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Sciatica Pain Relief and Healing Binaural Beats | Healing Rife Frequency | Cure Sciatica by “Meditation, Brain Waves & Healing – Binaural Beats”.


This rife frequency is specially designed for healing people suffering from sciatica.

What happens when people suffers from Sciatica?

People who suffer sciatica will have pain in the rear or leg that is worse when sitting, burning or tingling down the leg and a constant pain on one side of the rear.

So, we have designed this vibration & frequency for healing back, hip and outer side of the leg. Healing Sound Therapy for Sciatica.

What’s Rife Frequency?
Royal Raymond Rife was an American inventor who said to cure diseases, illnesses by using various frequencies through his “Beam Ray” medical device.



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Easy Back Pain Relief & Hip Stretching Yoga for Men - Happy Baby Tutorial

Are you doing happy baby on a regular basis? If not, let me help.

Happy baby is a fantastic pose that helps to immediately relieve pain and discomfort in your lower-back caused by excessive sitting, inactivity, or other hip tightness-related issue. However, if your hips are tighter than most (i.e. if you’re a man), then you might want to modify the way you do it.

To avoid overstretching your lower-back, you’ll want to keep your low-back as flat as possible. Bend your knees more or use a strap so you can keep your lower-back touching or as close to the ground as possible. Focus on feeling the stretch in your inner thighs by driving your knees toward the outsides and closer to your shoulders. Press your feet actively into your hands, and pull your feet toward the ground with your hands. Finally, try to keep your core tight as you do so. Avoid straining your neck, as well.

Hold this for at least 45 seconds, and up to 90 seconds. If you work at a desk, this will become one of your favorite, go-to stretches!
Video Rating: / 5

POWERFUL FREQUENCY BINAURAL FOR PAIN RELIEF – The Gift of Healing – brainwave entrainment

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POWERFUL FREQUENCY BINAURAL FOR PAIN RELIEF - The Gift of Healing - brainwave entrainment

◢ Feel relief from pain and relax with this binaural beat and isochronic tone music therapy track that uses multiple binaural frequencies from 1.5Hz to 10Hz, which are associated with relaxation, headache relief, relief for lower back pain, increases beta endorphins, enhances the release of serotonin, is universally beneficial to use during physical therapy, massages, meditations, sleep and provides a sense of well being.

Listen with or without headphones (stereo speakers)

Brainwave Power Music dedicates ourselves to creating original sound therapy music, using unique Musical Compositions, Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones as our primary sound elements mixed with different instruments and soundscapes to create a relaxed audio environment. We have one main goal: To help others through our music, be it for physical, emotional, mental or spiritual purposes. We constantly upload new music, and continue to work hard to provide new quality music for everyone.

◢ Meditation & Relaxation Music

Our relaxing music is perfect for Deepak Chopra Meditations, Buddhist meditation, Zen meditation, Mindfulness meditation, Kundalini meditation, Qi Gong Meditation, Zazen Meditation and more. Our music is influenced by Japanese meditation music, Indian meditation music, Tibetan music and Shamanic music. Our instrumental music has been designed to encourage and enhance relaxation, meditation, brain function and concentration, spa and massage therapy, and healing music therapy. In addition, we use binaural beats (Delta, Alpha and Theta Waves) to naturally reach a state of relaxation perfect for concentration, meditation or deep sleep. Our music playlists are perfect for your daily meditation and relaxation. Our music videos use soundscapes such as nature sounds, animals, oceans, rain sounds, thunder sounds and many more).

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◢ Sleep Music, Astral Projection & Lucid Dreaming Music

BrainwavePowerMusic has been the leaders of Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection and Deep Sleep Music on Youtube for the last 5 years. The First Channel to focus on creating music specifically for dreaming and falling asleep. Unique music tracks dedicated to help you to fall asleep, getting a deep sleep that will leave you recharged and refreshed. Our astral and lucid dreaming tracks are all carefully formulated to make sure that you can achieve subconscious awareness and have helped millions of people to achieve a lucid dreaming state. Most of our sleep music mainly use Delta and Theta Waves. Mixing in soft instrumental music to help you achieve deep relaxation, and fall asleep fast. Our relaxing sleep music can be used as background music, meditation music, relaxation music, peaceful music and sleep music.

BrainwavePowerMusics deep sleep music videos have been composed to relax mind and body, and are the best for babies, children, teens, and adults who use soothing music to fall asleep. Our music has also been known to help people with Insomnia, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, and a wealth of other sleep and other disorders.

►Study & Focus Music:

BrainwavePowerMusics Study Music & Concentration Music is ideal background music to help you to study, concentrate, focus and work more effectively. We incorporate powerful Alpha Waves that naturally allow your mind to reach a state of focus, perfect for studying. Our Creativity Unlocking Music helps you achieve your full potential. Use this brain unlocking tool for writing a blog, novels, movie scripts and more.

►Reiki & Zen Music:

Our Reiki and Zen Music is ideal for healing sessions, and encourages a state of Zen. Let the calming, subtle sounds take you to a higher state of consciousness, and allow you to give and receive powerful Reiki vibrations. Our Chakra Music use special formulated frequencies for each stage of your chakra. We have individual tracks to unlock your Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and the Crown. Chakra Music for Healing, Balancing, Chakravakem, Guided Meditations and anything Chakra

◢ For requests, questions or collaborations, please email us at:

◢ Visit our official Website and Online Music Store!
Video Rating: / 5

Dr. Bergman explains how pain is an important sign of a larger problem that must be corrected rather than covered up with pain medications. So the first solution for pain will be finding the source of the problem, then you can utilize natural pain relievers to help your body heal as quickly as possible.

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