Dr.Aishwarya, MBBS, DNB Obstetrics & Gynecology

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How to reduce pain while having sex?


Pain during sex is quite a common problem women face. For some, it might be temporary while for others, it is a constant problem affecting their sexual life.

It may be a sign of a gynaecological problem, such as ovarian cysts or endometriosis. Pain during sex also may be caused by problems with sexual response, such as a lack of desire or a lack of arousal.

You may feel pain in your vulva, in the area surrounding the opening of your vagina, or within the vagina. It may also be in your lower back, pelvic region, uterus, or bladder.


A relaxed state of mind helps you enjoy sex. Any stress or fatigue can affect your desire.
Some birth control or pain medication can hamper your sexual drive as well.
Skin disorders like contact dermatitis cause ulcers or cracks in the skin of the vulva. The result is itching, burning and pain during sex.

Vulvodynia is a pain disorder that affects the vulva. There are treatments available along with some measures of self- care.

Hormonal changes can induce dryness in the vagina which results in pain due to increased friction.

It could also be inflammation of the vagina caused by a yeast or bacterial infection.
Some women suffer from reflex contraction of the muscles around the vagina during sexual intercourse. This can be treated with physical exercises and therapy.


Sex is something to be enjoyed and if you have any discomfort, the matter needs to be addressed. Speak with a gynaecologist and determine the cause of the pain and its treatment.



Use lubricants
Kegel exercises (pelvic floor strengthening exercises)
Topical anesthetic agent

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