Archive for the tag: Back

Navigating Hip and Low Back Pain With Differential Diagnosis

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The American Hip Institute in Chicago shares information on treating hip and lower back pain with differential diagnosis.

Visit for more information.
Video Rating: / 5

The Magic of Glute Minimus: for better running, to reduce low back pain, hip pain & SIJ

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Glute minimus is a small and deep muscle that doesnt get a lot of attention bit it can make a huge impact.

Tuning up this muscle helps improve running, making your stride smoother and more powerful.

It also helps improve low back pain, SI joint dysfunction, hip flexor tightness and so much more.
#runtok #runners #glute #glutemininus #glutesworkout #biomechanics #sijoint #sijointdysfunction #sijointpain #sacroiliacjoint #sacroiliacjointdysfunction #lowbackpain #lowbackpainrelief #lowbackpainexercises #kneepainexercise #hippainexercises #hipflexorexercise #yogatok #allisonrush
Video Rating: / 5

Stop Waking Up With Back Pain

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If you wake up with back pain this is a great video for you. If your lower back hurts when you wake up it may be because of the way you are sleeping.

In this video, Dr. Rodman shows you the position that may be contributing to your lower back pain & gives you an exercise to help.

If you value staying active and pain free than Sports Chiropractic & Natural Health Solutions is the place for you. Call us today to get on the road to rapid recovery and optimal performance. 561.313.9117 –


Dr. Todd Rodman is a board certified sports physician specializing in soft tissue and sports chiropractic therapies for rapid recovery and optimal performance. Since 2010 he has been the official team chiropractor for Florida Atlantic University athletics. He has also worked many athletic events including being on the medical staff for the Ironman triathlon and the director of athlete services for the CrossFit games.

Sports Chiropractic and Natural Health Solutions is located in Boca Raton and Pompano Beach, Florida. Our goal is to help athletes and active people prepare for an event, overcome an injury and recovery from athletic competitions.

The services that we offer in our office include Active Release Technique, Graston, shockwave therapy, Rocktaping, Chiropractic and extremity adjustments, massage therapy, therapeutic exercise, cupping, cervical and lumbar traction, normatec compression, hyperbaric chamber, cold laser, therapeutic ultrasound, diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound, electrotherapies and movement analysis.

To learn more about our doctors, staff and therapies visit our website at

Our office address is:

Boca Raton Office
9960 S. Central Park Blvd. #375
Boca Raton, Fl 33428

Pompano Beach Office
23 SE 22nd Ave.
Pompano Beach, Fl 33062

These videos are intended for educational use. They are not intended to treat or diagnose. If you have an injury or concern always consult with your physician or therapist before attempting any of these techniques.
Video Rating: / 5

Fix Morning Back Pain After Sleeping

Get the Low Back Pain Guide:

Links to products that can help back pain:

Lumbar Support – (Amazon)
Lumbar Brace – (Amazon)
Bolster – (Amazon)
Rouge Fitness Equipment –
We use affiliate links when possible.

Related Videos:
3 Exercises to Help Sciatica –

If you wake up with lower back pain and stiffness in the morning, you know it can be difficult to start the day. This episode covers how to fix morning back pain after you wake up from sleeping.

A lot of the reason you have this morning stiffness and discomfort is a result of swelling and natural decompression of the spine. When you have this natural process occurs at the same time as a disc bulge, it can create excess pressure which then causes pain or stiffness in the morning. The best thing you can do is start your day off right by getting gentle movement into the spine.

Want more information?
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Health & Medical Disclaimer: Please note this video is for educational purposes and is not meant to help treat or diagnose your condition. We recommend you seek professional advice, guidance, and instruction prior to completing any physical activity.

DISCLOSURE: We often review or link to products & services we regularly use and think you might find helpful. Wherever possible we use referral or affiliate links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation.

We’re big fans of Amazon, and many of our links to products/gear are links to those products on Amazon. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and related sites.

Is Your Hip Pain Coming From Your Back or Hip? How to Tell.

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Is Your Hip Pain Coming From Your Back or Hip? How to Tell.

Bob and Brad talk about if your hip pain is actually coming from your hip or your back and how you can tell.

Youtube Channel:
Bob and Brad Amazon Store:

This video is part of a series of videos for how to treat Hip Pain. Check the full series of videos along with the downloadable guide sheets for each video on our website here:

Interested in learning about the products mentioned in today’s video:
1) Booyah Stik:

Our videos offer the best “get fit , stay healthy, and pain-free” information directed toward people 0 to 101 years old. Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck have over 50 years of combined. We try to add a twist of our humor into each video in our quest to be the “Most Famous Physical Therapists on the Internet” In our opinion of course!!! Subscribe to us now and join the fun. Not only will these videos provide outstanding health information on treating yourself at home, we also do product reviews. For our favorite products on Amazon click on this link:

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Pain Management:
X6 PRO Massage Gun with Stainless Steel Head:
T2 Massage Gun:
C2 Massage Gun:
Q2 Mini Massage Gun:
Handheld Massager:
Knee Glide:
Fit Glide:

Resistance Bands:
Pull Up Bands:
Resistance Bands for Legs and Butt:
Hanging Handles:
Grip and Forearm Strengthener:
Wall Anchor:

Booyah Stik:
Stretch Strap:

Check out our shirts, mugs, bags and more in our Bob and Brad merchandise shop here:

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Check out The Bob & Brad Crew on YouTube by clicking here:

Want to help translate our videos? We would so love the help!

Medical Disclaimer
All information, content, and material of this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Affiliate disclaimer:
Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We are highly selective in our products and try our best to keep things fair and balanced in order to help you make the best choice for you.
Video Rating: / 5

Lower Back Pain During Sex – Position Modifications

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Whole article with images:
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#lowbackpainsex #backache #lowerbackpain

I decided to write an article about reducing lower back pain while having sex because it’s a conversation many of my clients are too embarrassed to ask, and I am a little afraid to bring up.

The reality is, your lower back pain is not only affecting you. It could be affecting your relationship with your significant other. Relationships are hard enough without the sexual frustration creeping into the mix.

Lower back pain affects the frequency of coitus. The World Health Organization regards healthy sexual relationships as a measurement of disability and overall health. ~84% of men suffering from lower back pain reported a decrease in frequency. ~34% of women said the same. 1,2

The fear of throwing your back out after a night of sex is natural. You may not be willing to risk laying on the floor for three days for a bit of pleasure. That is an entirely reasonable way of thinking.

If this is you, you are not the only one to feel this way.

Men and women alike are less sexually active during their low back recovery journey. Even an orgasm can bring on back pain for some men and women.

Some blog articles on this subject can be a little technical, while others can be too racy. I’ll do my best to make this article as informative, classy, and entertaining as possible. If you are not over 18 years old, exit this page now!

While I will only be focusing on mechanical factors of lower back pain during sex, I’m fully aware that more aspects could be contributing to your lower back pain.

You should always be examined by a sports chiropractor, physical therapist, medical doctor, or orthopedic who is willing to take a complete medical history and perform a thorough physical exam on your spine and hips.

This process can take between 45-90 minutes in most situations.

In this article, I will cover what I have learned to work well for my clients. While sex positions can be triggers for your lower back, other positions can be painless or possibly even therapeutic.

What sex positions your spine can tolerate can be found depends on your diagnosis and the results of thorough stress testing of your spine. X-rays and MRIs do not tell us the whole story.

Flexion Intolerant Low Back Pain
Read for men or women with lower back pain durning sex
A flexion intolerant lower back is simply that.

Your spine does not tolerate flexion/ rounding. While we can label this as a specific diagnosis, many lower back diagnoses can create flexion intolerance.

I learned of this classification terminology from reading Dr. Stuart McGill’s work years ago, which is more descriptive of what type of positions, postures, and activities would increase or decrease your lower back pain. Positions of intimacy can be assessed and paired with your spine’s tolerances.

As I mentioned before, a thorough medical history taking and physical examination can help you understand which of the three situations describes your situation.

Stuart McGill’s lay public book “Back Mechanic” is an excellent resource on more information about other ways to settle a flexion intolerant low back. The best money you can spend on a self-help lower back book!

Contrary to popular beliefs, spooning is not the safest way to protect your lower back during intercourse.

Let’s first dive into the three common lower back situations you may fall into in their “textbook” form.

Note: Nobody is a textbook case. 🙂

Afterward, we will cover how this information can help choose a better sex position for men and women.

In the medical history taking, there are lots of clues that you can give a skilled medical professional that your spine does not tolerant rounding, but these are not exclusive either:

With a flexion intolerant lower back you may notice you have lower back pain with the following situations:
More pain first hour in the morning
Morning stiffness
Worse with washing dishes
Bending forward to touch your toes
Hamstring stretching is painful
Hard to put on shoes (in fact, you may not even tie your laces)
Prolonged sitting hurts
Getting up from a chair is painful
Walking hurts the first few steps and then becomes comfortable
Pushing shopping carts is painful
Intense pain with coughing, sneezing, or going #2
“Bad Posture”
Back squatting
Activities that generally feel good are:
Laying on your belly
Laying on your stomach propped up on your elbows, as if you’re reading a book
Computer/ laptop work on the floor on your belly
Lying face-up on a firm bed or the ground
Stretching your hip flexors
“Good posture”
Flexion intolerant lower backs tend to be related to lumbar spine disc herniations, protrusions, extrusions, or prolapse.
Video Rating: / 5

Pregnant? Have low back and hip pain and tightness? Here's some great stretches to do by myPhysioSA

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Having a tight & sore back, buttocks or hips is common during pregnancy. Jane, a Women’s Health Physiotherapist, shows you how to safely stretch your muscles to relieve back , buttock and hip soreness. Firstly Jane shows the pidgeon stretch and then a sitting buttock stretch that are both easy to.

Reduce pelvic, hip, or low back pain during intercourse | Connect PT

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Reduce pelvic, hip, or low back pain during intercourse | Connect PT

Many people with low back, pelvic floor or hip disorders experience pain with penetrative sex. Becca Ironside, PT, goes over how they can position themselves in four different sexual positions to decrease pain and improve satisfaction with their partners.

Connect Physical Therapy invites you to sign up for a One-on-one Wellness Consultation with Becca Ironside, PT. Not everyone has access to local, in-person care or understands the benefits of physical therapy for pelvic conditions. If you’re looking for guidance on next steps for your case or perspective on what may be missing in your care, scroll down for details about our One-on-one Wellness Consultation:

#AskingForAFriend 'I have back and hip pain during/after sex. What can be done?'

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We’ve said before that sex shouldn’t hurt – ever. And we meant that to apply to all of your bits! Low back pain and hip pain is something that can be addressed by a PT. So don’t suffer through things that are supposed to be amazing!

Sex Without Hip Pain – Chicago Ultimate Women’s Exposition

Visit for more information.

Waking Up With Back & Hip Pain?! Wake Up Your Psoas! 3 Easy Exercises! | Dr Wil & Dr K

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Waking up with back & hip pain is a common complaint we see. Poor sleep postures and insufficient mattress support can inhibit the Psoas muscle on the involved side. Add these 3 Exercises to “WAKE IT UP!”

Considering chiropractic? Consider River Valley Chiropractic. We are located in Grand Junction, CO and would be honored to have you visit us. Call today at (970) 241-6366 or visit us online at to schedule an appointment with either Dr. Wil or Dr. K. We also offer additional services including massage and personal training.

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DISCLAIMER: This content (video, description, links, comments, and replies) is for educational purposes. Move Well Live Well, River Valley Chiropractic, LLC, its officers, employees, contractors, and Dr Wil & Dr Kirsten Liwanag are not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any adverse effects arising directly or indirectly as a result from this content. Consult your healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment for your symptoms and/or health condition. Use of this content is at your sole risk.
Video Rating: / 5

Single Best Hip Exercise to Stop Hip, Back, & Knee Pain While Walking

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Single Best Hip Exercise to Stop Hip, Back, & Knee Pain While Walking

Youtube Channel:

Bob and Brad discuss how to treat your sacroilliac pain at home. They will demonstrate exercises/stretches and tools that can help decrease pain, including the Bob and Brad massage gun.

Interested in learning about the products mentioned in today’s video:
1) Sanctband Loop Band Pack / Resistive Exercise Loop Band:
2) Booyah Stik:
3) Wall Anchor:
4) Bodylastics Patented Anti-Snap Resistance Bands/ Exercise bands:

This Week’s Giveaway:
We are giving away a Bob & Brad Fit Glide!!

Giveaway Link:

Purchase Link for Fit Glide:
Bob & Brad FitGlide

Discount: To revive an exclusive 15% discount, use code FITGLIDE15 at checkout

This giveaway is open to all of our fans, worldwide!

You can also check out the Bob and Brad Knee Glide here: Knee Glide:

Our videos offer the best “get fit , stay healthy, and pain-free” information directed toward people 0 to 101 years old. Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck have over 50 years of combined. We try to add a twist of our humor into each video in our quest to be the “Most Famous Physical Therapists on the Internet” In our opinion of course!!! Subscribe to us now and join the fun. Not only will these videos provide outstanding health information on treating yourself at home, we also do product reviews. For our favorite products on Amazon click on this link:

Visit us on our other social media platforms:

Bob and Brad’s Products:
Grip and Forearm Strengthener:
Wall Anchor:
Booyah Stik:
Knee Glide:

Check out our shirts, mugs, bags and more in our Bob and Brad merchandise shop here:

Check out other products Bob and Brad Love:

Check out The Bob & Brad Crew on YouTube by clicking here:

Want to help translate our videos? We would so love the help!

Medical Disclaimer
All information, content, and material of this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Affiliate disclaimer:
Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We are highly selective in our products and try our best to keep things fair and balanced in order to help you make the best choice for you.
Video Rating: / 5