Are you experiencing (front of the) hip pain when running? You’ll find some of the different causes of this hip pain during this video, and some questions to ask yourself that help figure out what you need to do next.

This video has the following sections:

00:00 What’s Causing my Front of the Hip Pain when Running?
00:59 Pain is Complex
02:06 Other Causes of Hip Pain
04:43 Questions to ask yourself when you feel Hip Pain
07:34 10% Rule
08:54 Leg Flexibility
09:23 8-Week Deep Squat Challenge
10:12 Online Physio
10:27 Summary
10:44 Book Physio
10:52 Thanks for watching!

–What’s Causing my Front of the Hip Pain when Running?–

Running is fun and a great hobby to stay healthy. We know that all you want to do is run but don’t ignore hip pain during or after running. It’s very important to seek proper treatment immediately so you can get the right advice.

Remember to listen to your body. If you keep getting the same pain or niggle that doesn’t go away, please get it checked out by a healthcare professional.

8-Week Deep Squat Challenge for Runners

How To Stretch to Increase Hip Rotation

RUNNER FOCUS: Do you want flexibility in your legs to help improve your efficiency and running? Join the 8-week Deep Squat Challenge, which focuses on the legs. Each week you’ll receive an email with instructions on exercises that can help, targeting the different joints and muscles of the leg.

Click the link below to sign up!



PILATES: Do you need to be held accountable for doing exercises, but don’t have time to go to a gym or exercise class? Join us from the comfort of your own home for regular Pilates sessions (online). Beginners welcome.

PHYSIO: Are you in pain and confused by your Google searches as you try to figure out what’s going on? You can get clarity and direction on what steps you need to take by booking an online physio consultation.


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DISCLAIMER: As with all information given for exercises and exercise programs, when using our exercise videos, please use your common sense and don’t do anything that will hurt you. By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. PhysioFit Health will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of information shared on our website or YouTube channel. This includes emails, videos and text. Thanks for your understanding.

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