Archive for the tag: Thomas

How to manage depression & body aches with headache in early Pregnancy?-Dr. Teena S Thomas

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Depression, body ache in first week of pregnancy. The first and foremost thing is there is nothing like first week of pregnancy. You can’t diagnose the forts week pf pregnancy. By the time you diagnose a pregnancy, you are already in your 5th week of pregnancy. So probably the person who has asked would have asked for the 5th week. Now 5th week of pregnancy headache and depression, are caused because of pregnancy the chances are very less. If the patient already has a headache, if it is a migraine then probably it may be increased in pregnancy. Depression also is too early to be caused by a pregnancy at 5th week. That is the 1st week when you have diagnosed 5th week of pregnancy. So either ways, depression and headache is not caused by pregnancy, but at that point of time, if there is headache and depression, the best way to get over it is lot of counselling. How a person gets out of depression is you make a person aware and you make her realize that there is something that is happening, which may be not good for her and then you counselling her how to get out of it by watching movies, music, lot of extra activities which she can do. So probably not sit on it and drool over it, but get out of it by taking out your concentration and attention from that particular thong and also making the relatives and people around her aware that point of time she needs them more. So talk to her, be in constant touch with her, keep her away from that sense of depression and if really it is getting very bad, then we can take the help of psychologists or psychiatrists in that order if required.

Did you know that during #pregnancy, a women’s uterus expands to the size of a watermelon? No wonder there are so many complaints about #pains and body #aches!

Marilla from Proactive Physiotherapy tells us what these body aches mean during pregnancy and what’s causing them.

Does this sound familiar to you? Contact to the team at Proactive Physiotherapy on (07) 4053 6222 or on to get help today.

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PakMag Parents Podcast

What to do for lower abdominal pain after contact? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

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Pain in the lower abdomen one week after contact he first thing is to see a gynecologist, we have to rule out any pelvic inflammatory diseases, any infections, any sexually transmitted disease. So unless the gynecologist sees, or if there is lot of pus discharge, unless a pus culture is done, you cannot be treated for it. Any infection it can be appropriately treated. So specifically in a young girl, in a reproductive age a group, any infection has to be treated more than what is actually required, because we are worried about people with chronic pelvic diseases and fallopian tube blockages. So if there is a pain post one week of contact, the girl has to see the gynecologist to see if there is any infection that persists and appropriate treatment has to be given for the same.
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